Welcome To Taiwan Tenoly Machinery Co., Ltd!

Taiwan Tenoly  Machinery Co., Ltd
Location: Home > Development history

Our Historical development:

1978-Taiwan Taiyu Gear Factory,focus on the design and manufacture of core functional parts of machine tools for well-known machine tool enterprise from Europe,America and Janpan for nearyly 30 years.

2002--We have been engaged in the design and manufacture of high level CNC machine tools which are mainly exported to Europe,America and Japan.

2009--we established a factory in Mainland China.

Focusing on precision machine tools for 40years.

  • Address:No.65, Dahetou Road, Haishu District, Ningbo
  • Tel:0086-13711924427
  • Whatsapp:0086-13711924427
  • Contact:Steven
  • Email:tenoly@tenoly.com
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